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Heritage Fact Sheets

Our heritage fact sheets provide owners of heritage properties with conservation information and advice.

Front fences restoration and replacement

Hertitage Front Fence Factsheet thumbFront fences are important elements in defining and presenting a property.

Read more, download: Front Fences Restoration & Replacement Fact Sheet





Front verandah restoration and replacement

Heritage Front Verandah factsheet thumbFront verandahs on Victorian and Edwardian houses are important elements of those buildings.

Read more, download: Front Verandah Restoration & Replacement Factsheet





Masonry walls and external render

Heritage Masonary Walls Factsheet thumbRepointing stonework or brickwork is needed when the mortar joints deteriorate and the mortar frets and erodes, letting rain in and appearing unsightly.

Read more, download: Masonry Walls & External Render Fact Sheet




Rising damp and salt attack

Heritage Rising Salt Damp Factsheet thumbRising damp is a common problem in Victorian and Edwardian houses in Norwood Payneham & St Peters.

Read more, download: Rising Damp & Salt Attack Fact Sheet





Roofing, gutters and downpipes

Heritage Roofing Factsheet thumbRoofs are an important part of heritage buildings. They are major visual elements on Victorian and Edwardian houses and contribute significantly to the attractive appearance of a building.

Read more, download: Roofing, Gutters & Downpipes Fact Sheet