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Library Activities

Activities for children include baby bounce & rhyme sessions, storytelling for pre-schoolers, and school holiday programs. Everybody Sing! Bilingual Songs and Stories An inclusive early childhood program featuring bilingual songs and stories. The sessions will take place every other Tuesday from 22 October to 17 December, with a final session...

AFL Gather Round road closures


The AFL Gather Round is a fantastic community event. There will be a few temporary road closures to ensure it is safe and successful for everyone involved. To find out more about the road closures, visit: AFL Gather Round 


FoodWise is supported by inspirational world leading chefs like Maggie Beer, Fast Ed and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and stars like Paul McCartney. The Council is proud to partner with Do Something's FoodWise campaign to help reduce food waste. Visit FoodWise website The FoodWise website has information on sustainable eating, recipes and...

NAIDOC in the City of NPSP


Our City will celebrate NAIDOC Week, with an official ceremony tonight, followed by a month long exhibition at The Gallery at St Peters Town Hall complex. The exhibition, Kapi Wala (which means running water), is about the transference and movement of water in Kapingku Putintja (the rain time) and it...

Online Development Application Register

This page contains information about the Council's Development Application Register, including the online tracking service. To access the right Development Application Register, click on the relevant box below. You can also use the PlanSA Wizard to find out which register to use by entering details about when it was lodged....

Draft Representation Report - Have your say!


Consultation closed 5pm, Friday 31 January 2025        The Council is currently seeking comments on the draft Representation Report.                 The draft Representation Report has been prepared as part of the Representation Review that the Council has undertaken in accordance with Section 12 of the Local Government Act 1999. Download: Draft Representation...

Dog Attacks

All residents and visitors to the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters have the right to use public land without fear of being attacked by a dog. A dog attack is a very serious matter. If a dog attacks a person, an animal or bird owned by or in...

Cultural Heritage Signage

The Cultural Heritage Signage Brochure is to be used in conjunction with the Historic Signs Trail. Find out more >

Landscape Levy

The landscape levy (previously known as the NRM levy) is paid by all ratepayers and collected by councils across South Australia. We all benefit from having healthy landscapes and natural resources in our region, which is why all landowners contribute to the Landscape Levy. The Landscape Levy is a State...