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St Peters Child Care Centre & Preschool

The St Peters Child Care Centre & Preschool in Stepney has been providing quality child care in the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters since 1976.


About us

SPCCC tile 1St Peters Child Care Centre & Preschool has a relaxed, friendly and caring atmosphere and offers parents a highly professional child care service and educational programs.

While owned by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Council, the Centre is entirely self-supporting. This means that after meeting staffing and operational costs, the Centre provides for ongoing maintenance of its facilities out of the small operating surplus it generates each year.

The Centre's educators take a collaborative approach to operations. This involves developing policies and procedures that include ideas and suggestions from educators and parents.

The Centre’s team consists of full-time, part-time and casual employees holding various qualifications from Early Childhood degrees, Diploma and Certificate Three in Children’s Services. 


Our Centre values the importance of play in assisting children to learn. Through the process of exploration, children practice and develop skills in all areas of development, physically, socially, cognitively, emotionally, and creatively.

  • Our Centre values and respects the partnership between educators and families in caring for and educating their children through developing a supportive, nurturing and secure environment
  • Our Centre forms a part of the City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters Council and shares its vision in encouraging and promoting a community that value and celebrates its diversity and culture
  • Our Centre values the importance of continued professional development in the setting of goals and the systematic evaluation and review of everyday practice to ensure and maintain high quality care.


The Centre’s philosophy is reviewed annually and in consultation with families and educators to ensure that we are providing the best possible care for your child and a high quality service to the community.

We believe:

In relation to education:

  • We aim to extend and enrich children’s learning from birth to school age through using the Early Years Learning Framework curriculum
  • All children have the right to education in a safe, happy and stimulating environment. Each child is supported, free of bias, in a diverse, enriched atmosphere and encouraged to have a voice, while investigating and learning through play
  • We believe in creating a sustainable environment, helping children to look after their future world.

In relation to families and communities:

  • by working alongside each child and their families, we help create both shared and individual goals and interests, and are helping the child have a sense of Being, Belonging and Becoming. Essentially we are helping them prepare for the next stage in their journey
  • helping children and families embrace our multi-cultural community, helping to ensure a sense of belonging
  • developing interactions with valued members of our community, helps to open up opportunities, connections and learning for our children, families and Educators.

In relation to staffing:

  • by upholding our organisational values; Working Together, Leadership, Excellence, Integrity, Service & Our People, we can educate, grow and continue to learn ourselves. While we celebrate our successes we also recognise there is always room for growth and room to improve. Through these methods we strive to create an inclusive practice with an educational environment rich in opportunity
  • by respecting each Educator’s diversity and pedagogical practices, we help support each other to educate, grow and thrive in an enriched environment.

As part of continuous improvement and the National Quality Standards, all parents and educators are encouraged to be part of the review and development of all centre policies and procedures.

Our services

Our Services include: SPPC tile 6

  • commonwealth child care rebate
  • Preschool - Universal Access program delivered by BECD Teachers
  • accredited Sun Safe Centre
  • educational programs tailored to individual needs and abilities (Early Years Learning Framework)
  • above industry educator to child ratios
  • qualified and experienced educators
  • large and inviting outdoor areas
  • 6 learning environments
  • orientation and transition programs
  • parent involvement supported and encouraged
  • primary caregiving
  • meals provided.


The educational curriculum at the Centre is based on the National Early Years Learning Framework for children under five years, including Learning Stories and observations. Learning Stories provide photo evidence and a narrative story about the skills learnt and developed through the experiences offered to your child.

The combination of both National Early Years Learning Framework and Learning Stories provide a picture of your child's whole development which is shared with you at the end of each term.

Educators will provide your child with developmental programs that encourage and support your child's individual skills, abilities and interest.

For more information:

Visit: Early Years Learning Framework

Preschool / Kindergarten

The Centre provides a play-based educational program which is designed and delivered by our degree-qualified teachers using the approved Early Years Learning Framework.

Our program operates Monday to Friday, 51 weeks a year.

Our early childhood teachers have a focus on working in partnership with families to ensure each child is ready for school. This is supported through the following programs:

  • Literacy: Jolly Phonics and name recognition
  • Math’s Monster: number, measure, height, lengths, weights and shapes
  • School readiness: social skills and confidence through show and tell.

For more detailed information, download a copy of our Preschool Parent Handbook or contact the Centre.


Playgroup is an interactive, fun opportunity for children and families to play and learn together.

Playgroup is held on Thursday’s from 9.30am to 11.00am during school term for children zero to 2.5 years of age.

This is a free activity and your child does not have to be enrolled at the Centre to participate.


The Centre demonstrates a commitment to providing a healthy and nutritional balanced diet for your child. With the aim to provide an eating environment that is safe, positive and supports healthy eating for all children.

Meals are freshly prepared using quality foods from local services and include a variety of vegetarian, hot and cold meals. All educators are trained in safe food handling procedures.

While at the Centre, your child will receive morning tea, a two-course lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. The Centre can accommodate specific dietary requirements, which will be discussed at the time of enrolment/orientation.

Age groupings

The Centre has a commitment to ongoing high quality care. and offers five age groupings to facilitate individual needs, routines and smaller grouped interactions:

Number of children: Age groupings: Number of educators:
Possum - 12 children 0 to 2 years 3 educators
Koala - 16 children 0 to 2 years 4 educators
Wombat - 15 children 2 to 3 years 3 educators
Emu - 15 children 2-3 years 3 educators
Kangaroo - 18 children 3 to 4 years 2 educators
Preschool - 18 children 4 to 5 years 2 educators

Age groupings will vary slightly depending upon the movement of children associated with children leaving due to attending school and changes in family situations.


St Peters Child Care Centre & Preschool prides itself on:

  • providing a warm, supportive and caring family atmosphere
  • its convenient location
  • its stable environment
  • large, shaded modern outdoor play areas
  • spacious, friendly rooms
  • working in partnership with families.

To assist in a smooth transition to the Centre, we encourage and support orientation and transition programs, which consist of one hour visits, at no cost and where the parent/carer will be guided through the Centre and can share information with Educators.

These visits enable secure attachments to develop between your child and Educators, as well as relationships between you and Educators, which facilitate the sharing of information, resources and support your child's development

Contact us

LocationSPCCC tile 5

St Peters Child Care Centre & Preschool
42 Henry Street, Stepney

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.00pm


T: 08 8362 1843


Book a Tour

To arrange a tour, contact: 
St Peters Child Care Centre & Preschool
42 Henry Street, Stepney
T: 08 8362 1843

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