Random Compliance Inspections
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Approximately 300 random compliance inspections are undertaken by the Council each year.
The Council’s Development Assessment staff conduct random audit inspections of previously approved developments.
Random audit inspections are undertaken to ensure the applicant has complied with their development authorisation, including any conditions of consent.
In addition, the Council responds to reports and complaints received from the general public by investigating potential breaches and carrying out enforcement action where breaches are confirmed.
Developments are randomly selected and are typically for building work, such as new houses or dwelling additions. It may also be a development such as a change in the use of land.
During an inspection, Council officers check that the building work or change of land use has been undertaken in strict accordance with the approved plans, details and any conditions that may have been part of the development approval.
Non-conformances are followed up with the applicant, land owner or contractor depending on the nature of the non-conformance. If the non-conformance is serious, the Council may take legal enforcement action and any person found guilty of breaching the provisions of the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016, may, in some extreme cases, face a criminal conviction.
For more information
Council’s Urban Planning & Environment Department
T: 08 8366 4530
E: townhall@npsp.sa.gov.au