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Community Funding Program

Our Community Funding Program provides grants to support projects, events and activities that benefit the local community.

We are currently reviewing the Council’s Community Funding Program to ensure that it continues to be fair, inclusive, efficient and beneficial for our community.

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CG Public Art Grants Guidelines thumb

The Community Funding Program provides financial assistance of up to $5,000 per financial year to local not-for-profit groups, organisations and individuals, for new community-led initiatives.

Examples of initiatives include:

  • activities that protect and enhance the local environment or promote sustainable living
  • purchase of new equipment to increase the ability of a group to deliver a service, activity or program to the community
  • events that encourage active participation in community life
  • innovative sport, recreation and physical activity programs
  • arts and cultural projects across all art forms, including performances, workshops, public and experimental art. 

Applicants can apply for funding through the following two grants schemes:

Community Grants 

Public Art & Culture Grants 

(Up to $5,000 per financial year)

The Community Grants Schemes has four funding categories:

  1. Community Development
  2. Environment
  3. Events
  4. Sport & Recreation.

(Up to $5,000 per financial year)

The Public Art & Culture Grants Scheme has three funding categories:

  1. Artistic & Cultural Programs & Events
  2. Artistic Development
  3. Visual Public Art.


Download: Community Funding Program Policy




For more information, please contact Council's Manager, Arts, Culture & Community Connections,
Navian Iseut
T: 8366 4550