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Draft Representation Report - Have your say!


Consultation closed 5pm, Friday 31 January 2025




The Council is currently seeking comments on the draft Representation Report.                

The draft Representation Report has been prepared as part of the Representation Review that the Council has undertaken in accordance with Section 12 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Download: Draft Representation Report

Alternatively, the document can be viewed in hard copy at the Citizen Services Centre, Norwood Town Hall, 175 The Parade, Norwood.

Have your say!

If you would like to provide any comments on the draft Representation Report, email


For further information or enquiries, please contact the Manager, Governance:

Provide your comments by 5pm, Friday 31 January 2025.

Inter-War Housing Heritage Code Amendment - Have your say!


Consultation closes 5pm, Friday 20 December 2024




The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is proposing to introduce heritage protection for some buildings constructed in the Inter-war era.

Specifically, the Code Amendment proposes to include 20 dwellings as Local Heritage Places and apply the Historic Area Overlay in part of Heathpool where there is a cohesive historic character due to the presence of significant original Inter-war dwellings.

Within the Historic Area Overlay, 12 of the properties are proposed to be identified as Representative Buildings.

The Code Amendment also seeks to apply the Heritage Adjacency Overlay to properties adjacent to proposed Local Heritage Places, and some minor Zone and Overlay changes in association with the proposed Heathpool Historic Area.

The affected area consists of several properties in Heathpool, as well as individual sites in College Park, Hackney, Marden, Marryatville, Maylands, St Peters, Royston Park and Joslin.

This Code Amendment is consistent with the Council’s Built Heritage Strategy 2022-2027 which includes an objective to identify additional Inter-war era buildings that may be worthy of heritage listing or additional protection (Objective 2.1: Protect key examples of Inter-war heritage).

DownloadInter-war Code Amendment Fact Sheet

Download: Heritage and Historic Area Protection Fact Sheet

The Council is encouraged by the support from the State Government to make changes to the Code to facilitate and improve heritage and historic area protection, including a matched funding grant towards the development and progression of heritage Code Amendments.

Dowload a copy of the draft Code Amendment - 

Draft Code Amendment

Have your say!

Have your say at a drop-in session:

  • Wednesday 13 November 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm - Mayor's Parlour, Norwood Town Hall
  • Thursday 14 November 2024 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm - Don Pyatt Hall, Norwood Town Hall

Join a drop-in session

Complete the online form

Complete the comments form online using the button above, or email your comments to:

Holmesdale Memorial Tennis Club – draft Lease Agreement


Consultation closed 5pm, Friday 15 November 2024.




The Council has approved granting a twenty-year (10 + 10 year) lease to the Holmesdale Memorial Tennis Club for the continued use of the premises at John Horrocks Memorial Green, 58 Breaker Street, St Morris.

The draft lease has been prepared and the Council has endorsed this lease for community consultation in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999.

Download: draft Lease Agreement

Alternatively, the document can be viewed in hard copy at the Citizen Services Centre, Norwood Town Hall, 175 The Parade, Norwood.

Have your say!

If you would like to provide any comments on the draft Lease Agreement, email:


For further information, contact the Manager, Governance:

Please provide your comments by 5pm, Friday 15 November 2024.

Have your Say on the Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028


Comments must be received no later than 5.00pm Tuesday 8 October.

Have your say on the Draft Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028 and Action Plan.

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028 seeks to guide the development and growth of the Council’s Volunteer Service, identify priority areas of action and inform the Council’s role in supporting people involved in volunteering activities across the City.

Read: Draft Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028

Read: Draft Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028 Action Plan: Summary of Actions

Find out more about volunteering with us:


The Council is seeking feedback on the draft Strategy.

Feedback can be provided in the following ways:

  • In person at the Norwood Town Hall or the Council Libraries
  • Email
  • Via our online feedbak form below.

If you have any questions, please contact the Council’s Manager Arts, Culture & Community Connections, Navian Iseut on 83664550 or

Have your Say on the Council’s Asset Management Plans


Comments must be received no later than 5.00pm Wednesday 2 October.

The Asset Management Plans outline how we manage our infrastructure assets to ensure we provide the best possible service in a cost-effective manner, while also addressing associated risks.

The Plans define the services to be provided, how the services are provided and what funds are required over the ten (10) year planning period.

2024 Asset Management Plan - Building Infrastructure

2024 Asset Management Plan - Civil Infrastructure

2024 Asset Management Plan - Recreation and Open Space Infrastructure

2024 Asset Management Plan - Stormwater Management Infrastructure

The draft Plans can be viewed in person at:

  • Norwood Town Hall,175 The Parade, Norwood
  • Norwood Library, 10 The Parade, Norwood
  • Payneham Library, 2 Turner Street, Felixstow
  • St Peters Library, 101 Payneham Road, St Peters

Have Your Say!

The Council is seeking feedback on the draft Plans.

Feedback can be provided in the following ways:

  • In person at the Norwood Town Hall or the Council Libraries
  • Email
  • Via our online feedbak form below.


For further information, please contact our Citizen Service Centres
T: 8366 4555

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why are we consulting with the community on the Code?

Under Section 92 of the Local Government Act 1999, before the Council’s adopt, alters or substitutes the Code, the Council must provide the draft Code for public consultation and comment.

What meetings and documents does the Code apply to?

This Code applies to all ordinary and special meetings of Council and Council Committees at the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and the associated agenda, minutes and attachments that relate to those meetings.

This Code is not applicable to the Council Assessment Panel, which is governed by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and associated Regulations.

How is this Code different to the old Code?

The new Code has been prepared following the staged commencement of substantial legislative changes made to the Local Government Act 1999 since 2021.

Specifically, the new Code summarises the Council’s approach to the use of the confidentiality provisions of Section 90(3) of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), the review of Confidentiality Orders made under Section 91(7) of the Act and the release of Confidential Meeting documents.

The Code also includes information on the legislative reporting that the Council is required to provide on the use of Section 90(2) and 91(7) of the Act as part of the Council’s Annual Report.

Streetscape and Road Safety Improvements, Aberdare Avenue and Jones Avenue, Trinity Gardens


Provide your comments by 5.00pm, Tuesday 10 September 2024.

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is committed to improving road safety for all road users of all ages and abilities and is working towards creating a greener, connected, accessible and pedestrian-friendly community. 

As part of this commitment, streetscape and pedestrian safety improvements are proposed along Jones Avenue and Aberdare Avenue, Trinity Gardens. 

The image below indicates the proposed streetscaping locations and plans showing more details:

Trinity Gardens Bikeway - Proposal - 2024


View the detailed information pack here: Information Pack - St Morris and Trinity Gardens Bikeway Consultation - 2024



For further information contact Council's Traffic Engineer, Rebecca Van der Pennen
T: 8366 4536


Draft On-street Parking Policy


Comments closed 5.00pm, Monday 8 July 2024.

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters manages parking in the local area to balance the needs of a wide range of users including residents, businesses and visitors.

Like many inner city areas, on-street parking within the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is a limited resource, often with competing user requirements and demands.

The Council has developed the On-street Parking Policy to help manage parking requirements.

The Policy aims to:

  • provide fair and equitable access to on-street parking;
  • optimise the use of on-street parking to best meet the needs of users; and
  • ensure the management of on-street parking is clear, transparent and equitable.

All permit holders in the City are encouraged to provide feedback. 

Download the Draft Policy: Draft On-street Parking Policy 2024 (pdf)

View the Draft Policy online: Draft On-street Parking Policy 2024 (flipbook)

We have also prepared a downloadable document on Information about the proposed changes (pdf).



Simonne Whitlock
Manager, Strategic Communications & Advocacy
T: 8366 4555


Draft 2024-2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget


Provide your comments by 5.00pm, Friday 31 May 2024

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Annual Business Plan is a key document in the Council’s overall Planning Framework. It sets out the Council’s proposed projects, services and programs for the 2024-2025 financial year. 

All residents and business owners in the City are encouraged to provide feedback. 

Download: Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-2025 (PDF)

View online: Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-2025 (Flipbook)

Alternatively, you can view a hard copy at the Norwood Town Hall and our three libraries.

The Annual Business Plan is designed to meet the legislative requirements under the Local Government Act 1999.

Have your say!

Annual Business Plan - Online Comments Form

Complete the comments form online using the button above, or Download Comments Form and drop your completed form to one of the Council's Citizen Services Centres or:

By post: 
Annual Business Plan Consultation
City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters
PO Box 204
Kent Town SA 5071

By email:

Public Information Session:

The Public Information Session was held on Monday 27 May. 

Thank you for those who attended and provided their input.


Simonne Whitlock
Manager, Strategic Communications & Advocacy
T: 8366 4555

Draft Marryatville Master Plan


Consultation closing 5pm Friday, 17 May 2024.

Draft Marryatville Master Plan Latest News Image

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and the City of Burnside are undertaking community consultation on the development of the Marryatville precinct.This is the area along Kensington Road from Alpha Street including Marryatville High School.

To find out more, visit: City of Burnside - Have Your Say

Access & Inclusion Strategy - A City for all Citizens 2024-2028


The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters enjoys a reputation as one of Adelaide’s most desirable places to live, work and visit. With some 38,000 residents from diverse backgrounds and abilities, the Council recognises the need to be flexible, agile and responsive to the needs of our citizens and those who work, study or visit the City. 

Recognising the importance of family, communities, culture and ageing in place, the purpose of this Access & Inclusion Strategy (the Strategy) is to support citizens to live safely, healthy and connected lives within an accessible and inclusive community.

Draft Access & Inclusion Strategy

Have your say

Have your say on the draft actions of the Access & Inclusion Strategy 2023-2028 and help the Council understand whether the Plan reflects the needs and evolving aspirations of our people.

You can have your say in the following ways:

Online Survey: here 

Download a copy of the survey: here

Email your feedback to the Manager, Community Services

Alternatively, you can pick up a hard copy from Citizen Services at the Norwood Town Hall or one of our three libraries.

Consultation closes Monday, 8 April 2024 

About the Plan

This Strategy acknowledges and responds to the Council’s obligations under the:

  • Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (1993);
  • South Australian Equal Opportunity Act (1984);
  • South Australian Disability Inclusion Act (2018);
  • South Australian Disability Inclusion Plan – Inclusive SA; and
  • National Disability Strategy.

The Strategy will continue to provide guidance for future planning, decision making and resource allocation for the provision of services, programs and facilities for citizens across the life of the Strategy.


Rosanna Busolin
Manager, Community Services
T: 8366 4600

Public Notice: Proposal to amend Community Land Management Plan


Corporation of the City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters
Local Government Act 1999 – Section 198

Proposal to Amend Community Land Management Plan:

The Corporation of the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters (“the Council”) gives notice of its proposal to amend a Community Land Management Plan ("CLMP") for Borthwick Park, Kensington.

Under the Local Government Act 1999 (“the Act”), the Council is required to undertake public consultation in accordance with its public consultation policy before it amends a CLMP.

The amendment to the CLMP relates to severing of Heanes Lane from Bothwick Park, so that Heanes Lane can be formally vested as a public road under the Act.

Copies of the proposed CLMP are available for inspection and purchase at the Council’s principal office, 175 The Parade Norwood SA 5067 and the following Council centres and libraries:

  • The Norwood Library situated at 110 The Parade, Norwood SA 5067
  • The Payneham Library situated at 2 Turner Street Felixstow SA 5070
  • St Peters Library situated at 101 Payneham Road, St Peters SA 5069

For further information in relation to the consultation process or to provide feedback on the proposal you can email

Consultation opens on 26 February 2024 and all submissions must be received by 5.00pm on 22 March 2024 inclusive.

Mario Barone PSM

Chief Executive Officer


Marden and Royston Park Traffic Management


The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters invites the local community in Marden and Royston Park to review the proposed traffic management designs and provide suggestions for potential refinements by Friday 15 March 2024.

Residents are encouraged to share feedback on the proposed traffic management layout either through the survey or by submitting written comments to the Council.

More Information: Community Consultation 

View our: Media Release

Marden and Royston Park Traffic Management


The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters invites the local community in Marden and Royston Park to review the proposed traffic management designs and provide suggestions for potential refinements by Friday 15 March 2024.

About this project

In 2021, the Council initiated a project to improve traffic management in Marden and Royston Park. After consulting residents and road users in 2022, and evaluating various street redesign options, the Council is now advancing Stage 1 works.

The area included is bounded by the O-Bahn corridor, Lower Portrush Road, Payneham Road, and Battams Road, as indicated on the map below. The focus is on creating a calmer and safer local environment, aligning with community feedback and best practice.

Download the Information Pack

About consultation

Consultation opens Friday 16 February and closes Friday 15 March.

Residents are encouraged to share feedback on the proposed traffic management layout either through the survey or by submitting written comments to the Council.

Attend our Drop-in session:
Wednesday 6 March
6.00 pm to 8.00pm
Payneham Community Centre
374 Payneham Road, Payneham

Online survey

Printable survey


For more information, contact the Project Lead (Intermethod)
Natalya Boujenko
T: 0413 570 229

CityPlan 2030: Shaping Our Future - Update 2024


Consultation closed: 5pm, 11 February 2024



CityPlan 2030: Shaping Our Future is the leading document in the Council’s Strategic Planning Framework and guides the future planning, programming and delivery of projects and services for the City.

The Council is currently reviewing its Strategic Management Plan, CityPlan 2030 – Update 2024.

CityPlan 2030, provides the overarching strategic framework for all of the Council’s services, projects and decision-making. It is based on a Quadruple Bottom Line approach, applying best practice sustainability principles to guide all decisions as to how the Council plans and delivers its services and facilities. The four (4) pillars of integrated sustainability, upon which the Council has based its strategic plan are: Social Equity, Cultural Vitality, Economic Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability.

CityPlan 2030 was originally developed as a long-term Strategic Management Plan spanning a twenty-year period, in contrast to the traditional short-term plans which have a lifespan of only three-to-five years.

Key document:

Draft CityPlan 2030 Update 2024

Have Your Say!

We are seeking your comments on the Draft CityPlan 2030 Update 2024 and invite you to have your say!

Provide your feedback by 5pm, 11 February 2024.

Provide your comments:

Start survey online

Download a copy of the survey

Collect a hard copy from Norwood Town Hall, St Peters, Norwood and Payneham Libraries.

Email your comments to

Post your comments to:
Draft CityPlan 2030: Update 2024 
City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters
PO Box 204
Kent Town SA 5071

Attend one of the drop-in sessions scheduled at the below times:

Wednesday 31 January


Payneham Library

2 Turner Street, Felixstow

Thursday 1 February


Norwood Town Hall Citizen Services Centre

175 The Parade, Norwood

Friday 2 February


St Peters Library

101 Payneham Road, St Peters

Please note: All comments and submissions received as part of the community consultation will be collated and summarised for consideration by the Council and will be used to inform the final CityPlan 2030 Update 2024 document.


For more information contact the Council’s Manager, Economic Development & Strategy, Keke Michalos
T: 8366 4509

City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters’ biennial Community Survey


The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters’ biennial Community Survey is underway, with residents and business operators being asked for their views about how the Council can continue to improve its services.

Undertaking the Survey assists the Council on how to prioritise services and programs and infrastructure. 

The Community Survey helps to identify areas where it can improve performance to meet the community’s needs and expectations.

The Council takes this feedback seriously and continues to prioritise and fund capital works and renewal projects throughout the City.

If a surveyor asks for your feedback the Council would be very grateful if you took a few minutes to participate.

To take the Community Survey online, click here 

To take the Business Survey online, click here

For more information, contact: Simonne Whitlock, Manager, Strategic Communications & Advocacy on 08 8366 4528 or

Draft Voice & Vision of Young People Action Plan - Stage 2 Consultation


Voice & Vision of Young People Website Side Image 300x207pxConsultation closed at 5pm, 2 October 2023.

After hearing from the Community, we have created a draft Voice & Vision of Young People Action Plan. We want to make sure that young people’s needs are addressed in the development of youth programs.

Visit consultation

Draft Arts & Culture Plan 2024–2027


Arts and Culture Plan Community Consultation NPSP Website Event TileConsultation closed 5pm, 19 September 2023.

After hearing from the Community we have created a draft Arts & Culture Plan 2023–2027. We want to ensure our Arts & Culture Plan captures your aspirations and ideas for the future direction of our City.

Visit consultation 

Open Space, Playgrounds & Recreation Strategy


Koster Park, Trinity GardensConsultation closed 5pm, Monday 28 August 2023.

 The Council is developing a new Open Space, Playgrounds & Recreation Strategy to help guide how it manages and invests in its open space, playgrounds, and recreational assets over the short and longer term.

Click on the "More information" link below for more information and to have your say.

More information

Proposed 40km/h speed limit in residential streets of Marden, Royston Park, Joslin, St Peters, College Park and Hackney


Consultation 40kmh Norwood Kent Town NPSP News Tile.jpg

Consultation closed 5pm, Monday 28 August 2023. 

Traffic speed has a substantial impact on the livability and amenity of our streets and neighbourhoods, and slower speeds are appropriate in local residential streets.

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is working towards improving road safety, encouraging sustainable transport and improving Community Well-being.

More information

Draft 2023-2024 Annual Business Plan & Budget


Annual Business Plan Consultation 2023Consultation closed 5pm, 16 June 2023.

The 2023–2024 Annual Business Plan and Budget sets out the Council’s programs and services which we will deliver, our sources of revenue and how we propose to allocate our Budget and other resources to achieve this.

It also sets out a suite of major projects - which will have ongoing social and economic benefits, including creating local jobs, in our City and in the community.

Visit consultation

Arts & Culture Plan 2024 -2027 - have your say!


Arts and Culture Plan Community Consultation NPSP Website Event TileConsultation closed 5pm, Tuesday 6 June 2023.

Help shape the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters' new three-year Arts and Culture Plan. 

We want to hear directly from artists, historians, cultural workers, arts and historical organisations, businesses and groups or anyone who participates in or shares our interest in the arts (all art forms), local history and cultural vitality. 

Be part of the conversation, share your ideas and tell us what you think. 

Visit consultation

Draft 2023-2024 NPPC Annual Business Plan consultation


Prade news logoConsultation closed 5:00pm, Wednesday 12 April 2023.

The Draft 2023-2024 Norwood Parade Precinct Annual Business Plan has been developed by the Norwood Parade Precinct Committee and aims to generate retail and commercial activity to ensure the future sustainability and growth of the Precinct.

If you own a business or property within The Parade Precinct, the Council welcomes your feedback.

For more information and to have your say, visit: Norwood Parade Precinct Committee

Draft 2023-2024 Parade Precinct Annual Business Plan


NPPC Annual Business Plan 2023–2024 thumbConsultation closes 5pm, Wednesday 12 April 2023.

The Norwood Parade Precinct Committee delivers on the vision for The Parade, which is to maintain the status of Adelaide’s premier mainstreet as a vibrant destination where residents and visitors can experience and enjoy a place to dine, shop, play and do business.

More information

St Morris Reserve Upgrade - have your say!


St Morris Reserve Upgrade Community Consultation thumbConsultation closed Sunday 26 February 2023.

The Council is seeking your input on the draft Concept Plan for St Morris Reserve, located at the corner of Green Street and Seventh Avenue.

Children, their families and the wider community will benefit from new facilities equipment and enhanced amenities at the Reserve, which is being upgraded to accommodate a water detention basin.

Visit consultation page

Traffic Study: Glynde, Payneham, Payneham South, Firle, Trinity Gardens and St Morris - Stage 2


Trafffic Study Cropped TileConsultation survey closed 5pm, Monday 29 August 2022.

Consultation outcomes and Final Traffic Study Report

In 2022, the Council engaged consultants to undertake a traffic study of the area bound by Payneham Road, Portrush Road, Magill Road and Glynburn Road (the precinct), which includes the suburbs of Glynde, Payneham, Payneham South, Firle, Trinity Gardens and St Morris. 

The traffic study included a Have Your Say! campaign for people who live, work, study in the precinct. We heard from more than 250 citizens and other community members about their concerns regarding car travel (safety, speed and volume), as well as concerns relating to walking, cycling and bus travel in and around the precinct.

The community feedback was analysed and correlated with evidence-based traffic data to develop a Draft Action Plan. The Plan prioritised a list of traffic management measures in order of importance to enable the Council to strategically plan and allocate funding.

A second Have Your Say! campaign was held to provide an opportunity for citizens to review and comment on the Draft Action Plan and recommendations, which helped inform the final traffic study report.

Download: Traffic Study: Glynde, Payneham, Firle, Trinity Gardens & St Morris

The majority of the community supported a speed limit of 40km/h throughout the precinct as well as the installation of traffic calming measures at key locations.

Next steps:

  1. A 40km/h speed limit will be implemented in every residential street in Glynde, Payneham, Payneham South, Firle, Trinity Gardens and St Morris early in 2024. Citizens will be informed of the timing via a letterbox drop and social media.
  2. Concept designs for the prioritised traffic management measures will be prepared late 2023 or early 2024. The measures will range from minor installations (signs, pavement marking, pavement bar layouts), to major devices (roundabouts, slow points, raised intersections, driveway links, landscaped islands and pedestrian refuges). The community will be invited to provide comment on the concept designs in the first half of 2024.


If you have any questions about the Study, contact the Council's Manager, Traffic & Integrated Transport on 08 8366 9542.