Fruit Fly outbreak in Norwood and Kent Town
The State Government has advised the Council of fruit fly detection ‘hotspots’ in and around lower Beulah Road in Norwood, and in parts of Kent Town, as part of the ongoing outbreaks currently affecting Adelaide.
To check if you live or work in a Fruit Fly outbreak area, visit: PIRSA: Fruit Fly Outbreak Map
PIRSA Field Teams will be undertaking a targeted operation in the area from Monday 9 August including:
- visiting every property containing fruit trees in the target area to collect fallen fruit and conduct checks for fruit fly
- assisting residents at detection properties with removal of fruit from trees (with resident permission)
- offering to dispose of any additional fruit that residents in the area collect and cannot fit into council green bins.
PIRSA staff will be easily identifiable in orange overalls and carrying PIRSA inspector ID cards. Please assist them to access your property, your cooperation is appreciated to help the fruit fly eradication program.
Please keep up the good work yourself through winter, spring and summer by following these tips on how to prevent fruit fly in your garden
More information
visit PIRSA: Fruit Fly Check Up or call the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010