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Beulah Road Bicycle Boulevard

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters has recently completed a bicycle boulevard along Beulah Road, Norwood, which is a popular route for cycling to and from the Adelaide CBD.

Project update: 9 October 2020

Construction of the Beulah Road Bicycle Boulevard was completed on 9 October 2020.

The project involved the construction of nine raised platforms, four roundabouts and four entry statements.

Approximately 200 plants and 35 trees were introduced at the entry statements, on roundabout islands and throughout the platform garden beds.

The project also included Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) along the full length of the boulevard to provide a greener experience and improved tree canopy coverage once the plants and trees are fully established.

Image gallery

Project background

Beulah Road has been identified within the Council's City-wide Cycling Plan as an appropriate location to form a bicycle boulevard, to offer a convenient alternative to cycling on main arterial roads, such as The Parade and Magill Road, as well as creating a more inviting place to walk and a more attractive place to live.

The Council has considered various design options for the proposed bicycle boulevard and has selected a preferred option, which includes the implementation of various safety and amenity improvements along Beulah Road, between Fullarton Road and Portrush Road.

The preferred option allows for local vehicle access to remain unchanged and on-street parking to be largely retained.

Download: Beulah Road Bicycle Boulevard Concept Plan

A community information session was held on Thursday 17 March 2016 to discuss aspects of the Concept Plan and receive feedback. For more information, visit: Community Consultation

More information

At a glance

During a two hour morning commuting period, 179 cyclists were recorded on Beulah Road approaching Fullarton Road and 101 cyclists were recorded on Beulah Road at Portrush Road.


Benefits of bicycle boulevards

Bicycle boulevards provide a lower-speed environment on quiet, low-traffic streets where more people feel comfortable to ride.

Bicycle boulevards are designed to:

  • slow traffic and discourage rat-running on residential streets
  • increase awareness of people riding bikes along the street
  • position cyclists where they are visible to drivers and at less risk of opening car doors
  • provide safer crossings of main roads that intersect the route

Proposed safety and amenity improvements

To achieve a safe environment on Beulah Road and to encourage cyclist numbers to increase further, the Concept Plan proposes a number of safety and amenity improvements.

 Overview of improvements:

  • removal of the existing centre line, bicycle lane and car parking lane line markings other than between Queen Street and Portrush Road
  • pavement markings  (known as sharrows) at intervals along Beulah Road and entry points
  • distinctive pavement treatments for each roundabout side road entry to Beulah Road (these may include the use of pavers, imprinted bitumen or concrete)
  • raised table platforms (approximately 100mm in height) with distinctive pavement at three intersections (including Runge Place shown on the inset plan
  • mid-block raised table platforms (approximately 100mm in height) with distinctive pavement at 6 intermediate locations
  • Fullarton Road gateway with distinctive pavement, feature signage and extension of the shared path to link to a short bike lane for cyclists to move on to the road and to increase driver awareness of merging cyclists
  • wombat crossing adjacent to Norwood Primary School and Norwood Oval
  • extended median treatment for Osmond Terrace including raised thresholds for both Beulah Road entries, kerb build-outs to assist pedestrians crossing Osmond Terrace, distinctive pavement and bicycle lane treatment on Osmond Terrace around the Beulah Road intersections and a median upgrade incorporating pedestrian and cyclist routes, surface paving, trees and landscaping
  • eastbound bike lane between Queen Street and Portrush Road to enable cyclists to safely access the Portrush Road crossing
  • Portrush Road gateway treatment including landscaped build-outs, feature signage, distinctive pavement.

Design options considered by the Council

For an overview of the design options considered and traffic considerations for the Beulah Road Bicycle Boulevard, download: Design Options and Traffic Impact Report

