One of Adelaide's most desirable places to live, work and visit.
Caring for our communities and fostering participation in community and civic life.
Pursuing initiatives that improve our environment and protect our resources.
Growing a strong local economy and encouraging investment.
Providing a range of services to meet the needs of the community.
Applying sustainable and environmentally responsible approaches to development.
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In 2023 the Council held a range of consultations to obtain feedback about the trends and needs of the community with respect to Access & Inclusion. The Draft 2024-2028 Access & Inclusion Strategy has been developed taking into consideration your feedback. We would appreciate your feedback with respect to the Strategy itself. You can provide your feedback on the Strategy by either completing this survey or contacting the Manager, Community Services on 8366 4600.
An accessible and connected City where people feel safe and included.
• Accessible environments – Ensuring that our communities facilities, services, programs and open space are accessible to the community.• Inclusive communities – All citizens have the opportunity to participate as valued members of the community.• Effective and accessible information – All citizens have equitable access information on Council services, facilities and lifestyle opportunities.• Informed and Supportive Workforce – The Council develops an inclusive and accessible organisational culture for citizens of all abilities.• Collaboration and Leadership – to collaborate with the community members, State Government and other organisations to improve the quality of access and inclusion outcomes.
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