One of Adelaide's most desirable places to live, work and visit.
Caring for our communities and fostering participation in community and civic life.
Pursuing initiatives that improve our environment and protect our resources.
Growing a strong local economy and encouraging investment.
Providing a range of services to meet the needs of the community.
Applying sustainable and environmentally responsible approaches to development.
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The Expiation of Offences Act, 1996 includes provisions for Expiation Notices to be withdrawn, if the matter is considered trifling, as defined in Section 4(2) of the Act.
Evidence must be supplied to support your Expiation Notice review. This may include items such as a copy of permit, mechanical repair report, letter from medical provider, or a statutory declaration witnessed and signed by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witness.Please upload evidence using the relevant upload box(s) below.
If you cannot pay the expiation fee by the due date, you may be eligible to enter into a payment arrangement, by contacting the Fines Enforcement & Recovery Unit on 1800 659 538 (fee may apply).
Please note: After you click Submit a successful form submission message will display on screen and a confirmation email will be sent to the address you provided. If you do not receive an email, try submitting the form again.
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