One of Adelaide's most desirable places to live, work and visit.
Caring for our communities and fostering participation in community and civic life.
Pursuing initiatives that improve our environment and protect our resources.
Growing a strong local economy and encouraging investment.
Providing a range of services to meet the needs of the community.
Applying sustainable and environmentally responsible approaches to development.
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Section 7 & 187 searches can only be ordered by or on behalf of a person who has an interest in land within the Council area. Please refer to the webpage for further information.
Please note if you are requesting a Section 7 (full search) you are required to upload the Certificate of Title when prompted.
Fees for Section 7 and 187 searches are set by the state government. Fees are listed on the Property Information Searches - Section 7 & 187 Certificates page (short Do not forward card payment details via email, we will contact you for payment.
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