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Raising the Bar Adelaide 2024


Tuesday, 6th Aug 2024
6:30pm — 9:30pm
City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters

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Challenging and inspiring - Raising the Bar Adelaide returns!

The award-winning and thought-provoking event, Raising the Bar, is set to enlighten and entertain once again as it returns to the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters.

Ten of our best bars and pubs will be transformed into knowledge hubs as 20 speakers discuss a range of absorbing subjects.

Tickets are free and bookings are recommended!

Venue Name Time Speaker Name Lecture Title Lecture Description
The Robin Hood Hotel 6.30pm Dominic McAfee Reversing extinction; repairing the sea for a brighter future This talk will take you beneath the waves and back in time learn about one of humanity's longest and most destructive relationships with the sea - our obsession with oysters. From reefs carpeting millions of kilometres of seafloor to near extinction in the blink of an eye. We will discuss this greatest transformation of the sea, and how we are now working to restore it. 
8.30pm Abby Potter Navigating fashion in a cost-of-living and global-warming crisis

In today's cost of living crisis, how can we uphold social responsibility when fast fashion seems like the only option? Join us to explore the fashion industry's current landscape and its societal impacts. This talk will provide a guide on creating your own personal blueprint for making responsible shopping choices while understanding the importance of personal style and values.

Learn how to enjoy fashion responsibly and ethically, even in challenging economic times.

The Colonist 6.30pm Mike Schwarzer If You Want to Change the World, Think Less and Be a Ripple of Consciousness!

In a world drowning in complexity, Mike Schwarzer offers a radical yet compelling solution: think less and be a ripple of consciousness.

The author of the leadership book "Vantage Point: cutting through the bullsh#t of a complex world," Mike challenges the conventional notion that change stems from rational thought alone. Instead, he unveils a journey of self-discovery, urging us to awaken to our deeper nature and tap into a wisdom beyond intellect. Through aligning with our true purpose and self-leadership, Mike inspires us to create ripples of consciousness that can transform our world. Join us as we elevate our vantage point, liberate minds, and ignite a ripple effect of change.

8.00pm Bel Ryan Hey World – We Need to Chat Life today is like a never-ending juggling act. We're all trying to keep up with a million things at once, and it's exhausting!

From managing work, family and social commitments to dealing with the pressures of life, and the ever increasing price for a bag of groceries, the struggle is real!

This talk will be an honest conversation about the impact of (and solutions for) the constant stream of responsibilities, notifications and expectations leaving many of us feeling completely worn out and overwhelmed.

It's time to get real and start figuring out how to make things better!
Maylands Hotel 6.30pm Elizabeth Williamson Resilience Re:Imagined

Welcome to a multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary and imaginative exploration of resilience, aimed to inspire and uplift you. 

Elizabeth Wiliamson has lived with quadriplegia for 13 years. Her preferred capacity descriptor is radically-abled. She has relearnt to walk twice, collected two titanium implants due to falls, and has twice experienced cancer.

Elizabeth invites you into a whole new conversation about what resilience is: in relationships, business and personal experience. Her safe bet is that it has nothing to do with bouncing or backwards. You will leave with new insights into your own personal strengths.

8.00pm Scott Zarcinas The Flea Circus: How to Break Bad Habits and Live Effectively Science-based Effectiveness Strategies to Succeed & Prosper

Do you feel as if time is slipping you by? Are you trapped in recurring cycles of mediocrity and bad habits? Do you want more out of life?

Don't worry, everybody has bad habits that prevent them from getting ahead! This talk will help you understand why bad habits happen, what you can do to break the cycle of self-limiting behaviours, and how to finally liberate yourself from negative thinking.

This talk will help you to:
-Feel more capable and more confident
-Escape The Flea Circus and transform your life
-Identify and overcome negative thoughts
-Eliminate ineffective habits and increase your happiness.

PLUS develop a long-term strategy for success and prosperity.
Ferg's Stepney 6.30pm Evangeline Mantzioris The Mediterranean Diet - much more than a dietary pattern.

The Mediterranean Diet, as it was consumed in the 1950 in Crete, is widely recognised in the scientific literature as providing health benefits. This dietary pattern was reflective of the physical and economic environmental arid mountainous lands and a poor economic outlook leading to a frugal diet.

It is high in plant foods, including green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts, wholegrain cereals and extra-virgin olive oil. In contrast it is low in animal foods (meat and dairy), and no intake of processed foods. Local red wine was consumed in moderation and always with meals. But it is much more than a dietary pattern, it is steeped in the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean, including a balanced lifestyle of rest and purposeful physical activity, recipes, cooking methods, celebrations and enjoying meals together.

So join in for a night of discovery to find out what science tells us about the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern.

8.30pm John Boland Electricity from Renewables – SA the World Leader

In March it was announced that South Australia had 75% of its electricity from wind and solar in the previous 12 months  leading the world. We had a goal to be 100% renewable electricity by 2030, but that has had to be revised to 2027! 

Project EnergyConnect will allow us to send electricity to Sydney at their peak demand times.  We are well placed to cater for the uptake in electric vehicles, especially with the growth in home battery systems. 

Reform Distilling 6.30pm Benjemen Elengovan How to earn extra income by starting a sidehustle?

Unlock the potential of your passions and skills with Benjemen Elengovan in his insightful talk on "How to Earn Extra Income by Starting a Side Hustle." Learn practical strategies, discover inspiring success stories, and gain actionable tips to kickstart your journey towards financial independence.

Whether you're looking to monetize a hobby, develop new skills, or simply boost your income, this session will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to succeed.

Join us and transform your side hustle dreams into reality!

8.30pm Kate Burr Think Like a Comedian Unlock your creative potential and enhance brain function with humour! Join comedian Kate Burr to discover how embracing a Comic Approach can elevate your decision-making, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and creative thinking.

In this talk, you'll learn to:
- Master problem-solving and conflict resolution with humour.
- Use humour writing principles to uncover honest answers to the real issues that stop results.
- Boost creativity and find out what to do when you have a mental block.

Don't miss this opportunity to think like a comedian and transform your approach to challenges in a fun and engaging way!
Britannia 6.30pm Rosemary Cadden Warning: "To dabble in history means submitting yourself to chaos"

This talk will take you up the garden path and around the bushes as Rosemary tells tall tales and true (or are they?) about how history is recorded.

Using examples from her research to get the facts while writing McDouall Stuart hitches a ride, you will join her on the discovery that fake news is indeed as old as history, and explore why we believe what we read and what we are told. Or not.

8.30pm Brad Irvine-Thomas Your Rights at Work: A Guide for Employers & Employees Let's break down the basics of employment law.

This talk covers essential workplace rights and responsibilities, helping both employers and employees understand key legal concepts. We'll discuss employee entitlements, employer duties, and the laws that shape workplace relations.

Whether you're running a business or working in one, this session offers practical insights to help you address workplace issues with confidence. Our goal is to provide clear, useful information to support a fair and compliant work environment for everyone.
The Suburban Brew 6.30pm Rick Sarre "Let's get the lawyers out of sport!" Really?

This is an often heard cry...that lawyers are ruining the love of sport.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The law provides an essential underpinning and safety net for all sports participants, administrators and spectators: including installing rules of fair play and fair team selections; challenging negligence, discrimination and criminal thuggery; controlling gambling, drug-taking, illegal contracts and deceptive marketing, all the while focusing on the best ways to promote good competition and a safe (non-concussive) environment.

It's a pretty long list!

8.30pm Kellie Finlayson and Sophie Edwards Sh!t Talkers in Conversations

Jodi Lee Foundation Ambassadors Kellie Finlayson and Sophie Edwards are both battling with bowel cancer and the ongoing collateral damage that this disease has.

They've teamed up to create a podcast called Sh!t Talkers where they bring you the good, the bad and the offensive every week. They have connected through sh!t, bonded through sh!t and grew through sh!t, literally and figuratively.
Kellie and Sophie will speak about bowel cancer, how to prevent the disease and their work with the Jodi Lee Foundation.

They will also share their bowel cancer stories in a real and raw yet humorous way.

Little Bang Brewing 6.30pm Sean Fewster & Daniel Panozzo Suppression versus silence: Separating the public interest from the interested public

That in which the public is interested is not always in the public interest.” It’s a favourite refrain of politicians, criminal defence lawyers and judges when they become unhappy with the focus of the media’s attention.

But how true is this statement? What – and more importantly, who – defines and decides that which is in the public interest and that which merely interests the public? How has the line between those concepts been blurred by the rise of clickbait, social media misinformation and good old-fashioned parochial prejudices? And how does all of this affect what you, the general public, do and do not get told? Daniel and Sean bring answers gleaned from four award-winning seasons of radio as they sift the sensational from the sensationalised.

8.30pm Wala Truscott Intimate Relationships: More Sexy Eyes, Less Stink Eye

Uncover the hidden truths and myths about sex and relationships, and learn what either opens or closes your partner to intimacy.

Discover why even the strongest relationships can fizzle out.

Gain actionable strategies to maintain cheekiness and understand what high-quality sex really entails!

Republic Norwood 6.30pm Tania Savelli You're The Voice! How Finding Your Voice Can Elevate Your Career

Everyone has a unique voiceprint – so unique that humans can recognise the voice of a loved one after only hearing two words.

Our voices have the power to influence, engage and inspire, yet voice training and vocal care practices are rarely incorporated into everyday workplace culture. Self-proclaimed “voice enthusiast” and specialist vocal coach Tania Savelli will discuss why voice training should be a part of the office routine and how anyone can improve their voice to build self-confidence, improve workplace communication and help elevate their career.

8.30pm Dr Shohreh Majd Fixed or Growth Mindset? How Our Beliefs Shape Our Success

Our mindset, whether fixed or growth-oriented, profoundly influences our achievements and personal growth.

A fixed mindset sees abilities as innate, while a growth mindset believes in the power of effort and learning to improve. Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges and see failures as opportunities to learn and grow.

In contrast, a fixed mindset may lead to avoidance of challenges and a fear of failure. Cultivating a growth mindset raises resilience, persistence, and a love of learning, impacting personal development, education, work, and relationships, ultimately determining our potential for success and fulfillment.

The Rising Sun Inn 6.30pm Simon Robert Dawson Body Language Reading the Signals Successfully

Simon will present a recent history of body language starting with the silent movie stars and will then present some fascinating stories on how Body Language has changed world history.

The various sections of the body will analysed with the final part of the presentation featuring ways in which we can all change our body language to present ourselves to the world in a more positive way.

8.30pm Adel Brewer Have You Ever Felt Like You Didn't Have A Voice?

I will be presenting two books Seventy Thousand Camels, A Motivational Survivor's Memoir about the fallout of maternal narcissistic abuse, and OGWADABWAH!

A Life Lived on the Spectrum co-written with my adult son about our struggles navigating his Autism, Pathological Demand Avoidance, OCD, and PSTD.


For more information, contact Council's Events Unit
T: 8366 4555